Carers Advice

Bedfordshire Memory Navigation Service

When you’re caring for someone with dementia, it is very easy to ignore your own needs and to forget to look after yourself too.
The type of support you need will vary depending on your individual circumstances. Carers in Bedfordshire offers a variety of support routes from 1:1 home visits, drop in Memory Gateway groups providing information and advice to weekly Carers Rest meetings where dementia carers can meet, socialise, chat and play games.

Telephone: 0300 111 9090


Young Carers MK (Milton Keynes Patients Only)

Young carers are 8-19 year olds caring for a family member with a physical or mental illness, a disability, or a drug or alcohol related problem. The person being cared for may be a parent, sibling or other relative living in the same household.

Telephone: 01908 231703



Carers UK: Bedfordshire

Carers in Bedfordshire strive to identify and support all carers of family and friends. We will enhance their health and well-being by offering specialist support according to their needs and wishes.

We will ensure carers voices are heard and respected in the development and delivery of all services.

Telephone: 0300 111 1919



Carers UK : Milton Keynes

Provides support to those in the Milton Keynes Council area.

Telephone: 01908 231 703



Respite At Home

Respite At Home Volunteers West Mid Beds & Ivel Valley provides services to:

  • Children/young people
  • People with disabilities
  • People of a particular ethnic or racial origin
  • Elderly/old people

aims to befriend, listen and give practical help to patients with life -limiting illnesses and their families in mid Bedfordshire and Ivel Valley. Free and Confidential service. Volunteers visit patients in their homes for up to 3 hrs per week.

Telephone: 01234 743063

Carers over 75 - CarersMK – Older Persons Support Worker

Are you over the age of 75 looking after someone who cannot manage without you because they are ill, frail, disabled or have a mental health condition?

My name is Carolin Sterling and I would like to introduce myself as the over 75’s Advice and Support Worker for CarersMK.

The main responsibility of my role is to provide information, advice and support, including emotional support, to older carers (aged seventy five and over) in Milton Keynes.

A key area of this is to support carers who are isolated and may struggle to access existing services for many reasons. This could be the restrictions on time that caring imposes, their own health or a lack of local transport, particularly in rural areas.

I am based at Margaret Powell House and will be working in the community to reach carers and provide support via telephone and face to face, in addition to supporting them to access groups and information.

If you would like to access this support, either over the telephone or face to face please contact me.

Telephone: 01908 231 703


